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Halloween 1998

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Halloween this year was spent with Grandmother and the kids, just as it was in 1997. Nick and Katie showed up for a full week, starting the week before Halloween, and Grandmother arrived a couple of days before they did. In the photo to the right, Katie is a pink pony and Nick is a black panther. This is a shot of them trick-or-treating at Joelle and Arun's house.


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981024_Katie with new coat and hat from Grandmother 118x200.jpg (6331 bytes) As usual, and to Katie's delight, Grandmother showed up with some great stuff. The key success articles this visit were the handmade clothes for Katie and the Halloween outfits. Katie insisted on wearing one of the "pretty dresses that Grandmother made" every single day. The one exception was Halloween when she dressed up as a pink pony with the help of Grandmother and Kate.
To the left is the Black Panther trick-or-treating at Joelle and Arun's. At right, Grandmother disappears on Halloween and that crazy character Screwball shows up once again. Nick and Katie love Screwball almost as much as Grandmother. 981031_Screwball&Katie 200x182.jpg (11214 bytes)
During Grandmother's stay, we managed to do a few things around Paris (though Daddy and Kate were quite distracted by work). To the right is a shot at St. Germain-en-Laye. The chateau in the background is older than Versailles and has been the home to numerous kings and queens, including Mary, Queen of Scots.

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981026_NickTakesAShotOfDaddy 150x188.jpg (8780 bytes) When I have a little more time I'm gonna look for some shots of Daddy and Kate in costume (Daddy was an alien and Kate was a (very convincing) Geisha Girl. In the meantime, the shot to the left was one taken by Nick. In typical Nick style, he manages to get me perfectly centered and has my head flush at the top of the photo. He has managed this feat since his first shot taken two-and-a-half years ago on his third birthday.
In addition to the beautiful dresses, Katie also loves the matching hats that Grandmother makes for her. To the right, Katie is seen wearing the blue cotton dress with matching hat. On her face can be found the trademark Katie expression of "yes, I'm here...why are you looking at me like that?" Her hair is a little wacky and in her hand is the almost ever-present clementine. 981026_TheKatieLook 150x172.jpg (5605 bytes)
981028_FingerPaintingWithGrandmother 200x221.jpg (15896 bytes) Grandmother is a star, as usual. She filled everyday with activities, such as the finger painting shown here, or trips out on the town. Among her trips, she got the kids to the Parc de Monceau and onto metro several times to go to and from the Science Center (Parc de la Villette). Ani_DancinSkeletons.gif (24984 bytes)
Nicolas 31-10-98 200x140.jpg (8142 bytes)

Nicolas leaves his hand prints along with his name and age to the left.

Katie did a 4-point stance to leave her hand a foot prints in addition to her name and age to the right.

Katie name and hands and feet 31-10-98 150x228.jpg (8474 bytes)
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981026_Katie getting so big 137x200.jpg (7075 bytes)

Just a couple of freebee shots of Nick and Katie taken while Grandmother was here. Stunning kids if we do say so ourselves.
It's always sad to say good-bye to Grandmother. We dropped the kids off at their mother's on a beatiful, sunny November day. Grandmother had a few more days to explore Paris on her own before heading back to Canada.


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